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Moniques professionalism was evident from the beginning, with swift response times, clear communication, and extensive knowledge within her industry.


My initial meeting with Monique included a friendly discussion about my business and related industry, goals, and my current knowledge and use around social media.


Monique created a clear, concise and extremely thorough business strategy plan for me to follow. Following this, we met to review the strategy, giving me ample opportunity to ask questions and understand her strategy plan. 


Monique is lovely to deal with, friendly, approachable and incredibly knowledgable in her field. I was thoroughly impressed with the in-depth research she conducted to ensure she really understood my business and associated industry.


With a wealth of knowledge and ideas, she has provided me the steps to confidently and strategically grow my business through social media.

Louise, Louise Highet Aesthetics



Investing in meeting with Monique for a social media consult helped me out in more ways than just understanding my statistics and areas I could be improving on in the early stages of my business.

By the end of our meeting, my confidence towards my own business had increased ten-fold and she encouraged me to pursue opportunities in my pipeline, putting my newfound education into action. I now know exactly what to look for when partnering with businesses that have a strong social media presence and understand what kind of  'exposure' is going to benefit my business.

Before meeting with Monique, I was afraid to monetise my offerings and she helped me understand the value that my online presence brings the businesses I represent. I took on her advice to draw a line in the sand and value my time and effort, and it has done incredible things for my brand.

Monique is worth her weight in gold and I highly recommend investing in her services if you need social media assistance of any form.

Lucy, Christchurch Weddings 

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